The Solstice Gathering at Festival Beach Food Forest is a mix of social and ceremonial with some facilitated connection, opportunity to share your voice, and guided meditation, visualization, and intention setting. The goal is to create a healing and fun space for connection and collective intention, envisioning thriving biodiverse ecosystems (and communities) across the planet.
Event details:
December 21st 2-5pm
29 Waller St. Austin, Tx
Tierra Sagrada (meaning sacred earth/land) is a community of Sacred Stewards. We focus on listening to the wisdom of the earth and our ancestors. As sacred stewards, we aim to re-indigenize our relationship with the natural world and bring spirit back to the land (and landcare).
Together, we carry on the traditions of our ancestors as we gather to give thanks to the earth for all she provides, gracias a la tierra. And to give thanks to Creator for life, gracias a dios.
Questions: Feel free to reach out with any questions. Contact: